Thursday, April 14, 2011

Golf's Opening Day For The Frog

The weather in Cincinnati today is golf weather, and I am going to play for the first time in 2011. Last year was my first year back after stepping away from the game for about five years. When I worked in Columbus, Ohio I played a lot of golf. In the spring time, Columbus would become the golf mecca of the world, and whether golf was the religion you were born with, or, as I did, converted to, tee time became my time to pray to hit'em straight. So, this afternoon, I am looking forward to picking up where I left off last fall, playing one of the best games I have ever taken up.

1 comment:

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Have a good time. I hurt myself playing Wii Golf, so I think I'll stick with miniature golf, and the ice cream that comes after!