Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Half Trillion Dollar Deficit

The holy trinity of economics in the United States is: the consumer, the corporate sector and the government sector. Keyensian economics basically says that the government sector can be a force in the economy by using resources and labor to build, improve and repair the infrastructure of the country. Unfortunately, the other key point, that when the economy is going well, the government should pull back from spending so much as not to over heat the economy and bring on a fresh round of inflation is not remembered. Too many dollars chasing too few goods leads to an increase in prices. But John Maynard Keynes was only an economist and not a psychologist. If he had been a politician or a psychologist, he would have burned the idea of Keynesian economics before it caught fire. Oh, it took a little time, but eventually the ideas of John Maynard Keynes took off. Even Einstein had to wait a few years before his theories were recognized and he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Now fast forward to 2008 and listen to the talk that our government will run a deficit of about one half trillion dollars in fiscal 2009. The Democrats, the party of tax and spend, do not have any right to that title. In the last seven years, the Bush administration has taken your government from a budget surplus to a half trillion dollar deficit. How about that?

It has been demonstrated that if a lie is told often enough that people will think it is the truth. Advertising can attempt to repackage anything, even a political lie. The next time you hear or read about the half trillion dollar deficit or the tax and spend Democrats, ask yourself who has been in the White House the last seven years?

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