Monday, July 7, 2008

Saudi Arabia: Be Careful What You Pray For

History books are filled with examples of the adaptability of the human species, but we really do not want to go there. We in America live the good life as viewed from the perspective as a nation. Yes, we know about the pockets of poverty and how these pockets of poverty are growing and spreading across the country. But, taken as a whole, the United States is a long way from the kind of disaster that covers so much of the world. While our economy is under many types of market stresses today, the individual is still the unit that will decide what choices are taken.

Oil will remain a major problem, and there will be a lack of leadership as far as our energy problems are concerned, but ultimately the consumer will make the hard choices. This energy crisis took years to eventually produce the grip it has on our economy today. Congress for a multitude of reasons did not do the right thing by the people. The automotive industry, that was once the engine that drove the economy along with home building, made their feelings known in the halls of Congress as to how they felt about mileage requirements. Threats to shut down auto plants caused more than just a few votes to be placed against CAFE standards, and lead to more than a few nails being pounded into that coffin. We, the people, drove the gas guzzlers and did not question what happens when the well runs dry. Can we ask more of Congress than we ask of ourselves? We are the Congress in a democracy.

The United States has wasted opportunity after opportunity to take control of its economy. But, a combination of greed and a lack of caring about the rest of the country and how the less fortunate would get along has lead to our present situation. Ultimately people will vote with their pocket book, and at that point, when that is reached, the price of oil will either drop or the economy will slip into a depression. Does our friends the Saudis really want to see the United States’ economy slip to such a point that their security is put on the line? We may not have the most level playing field in the world, but I think they are smart enough to know that the United States is one of the stronger players with a leveler playing field than those that would take our place. The Saudis have some choices to make. Be careful what you pray for Saudi Arabia, you just might get it.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My sentiments, exactly. What would happen, I wonder, if the consumer countries formed a co-op and took a page from Walmart and essentially said, "This is what we're going to pay for crude and no more."