Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Read The Post From April 10, 2008, Again

Today I am not writing anything new. If you want to read one of my most visited postings, read the one from April 10, 2008 about the inverse relationship bond prices have to bond yields. This single posting has received hits since I wrote it from all over the world, and I mean all over the world, not just the USA. Seems that there are people out there interested in the relationship a bond price has to its yield. At the end of the post, I mention talking about regulation in the securities industry, and since that post, I have talked about the need for better regulation, oversight and auditing by the SEC and now the Federal Reserve Bank. Many of the problems that we are now dealing with in the bond business are a result of greed and the lack of proper enforcement of the rules governing the securities business. The politicians are lobbied by the moneyed interests of the securities industry to keep the enforcement lax. As a result of this, the greed principle is given the opportunity to create the meltdown and crisis that follows. This is not like finding a cure for cancer, the respected minds in the field know what needs to be done, but the power of money keeps the proper enforcement away. Some shit happens, but a lot of this shit can be avoided. I wish I knew what it would take to draw people's attention to the fact that the mortgage bond meltdown could have been prevented by the proper use of the tools that are available. It just takes the resolve of enough people in the right places to make it happen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

People have to care. About MORE than themselves. As Willy would say, "Ah, there's the rub."