Monday, August 25, 2008

Vote For Your President

Every four years we elect our president, and we have been doing this for over 200 years. Some might say that is not a very long time, while others, who have known how difficult it is for their country to have a decent presidential election process, will disagree. We Americans have been fortunate to have had our traditions and laws passed down through many generations.

Tonight starts the Democrats convention in Denver. Take the time if you can to listen to the speeches. There is a ton of disinformation and just plain false statements being manufactured right here in the USA about Senator Obama. I am voting for the Obama-Biden ticket, and naturally I would like everyone else to do so too. But regardless who you are going to vote for, take the time and listen to the issues. You might discover that you agree with Obama-Biden on the issues that concern you the most. Don't let smut and untrue statements, that have no basis in fact, substitute for your sound judgement. There are enough differences between the Republicans and the Democrats in this presidential election that they do not have to fabricate issues. We, the electorate, should hold both parties to a campaign that does not insult our intelligence or our patriotism as Americans. As I said earlier, I am voting for the Obama-Biden ticket, and I ask you to join me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was very, very impressed by Michelle Obama last night, as she gave her speech. Some classy woman. Served him well, she did. And herself.