Monday, April 27, 2009

Money Talks And Bull Shit Walks

Paul Krugman in his Op-Ed piece today in The New York Times brings to our attention that salaries on Wall Street are on there way back up to 2007 levels, and how these financial engineers, the bankers, do not deserve this kind of money given that they are now playing with public assistance money, just like the much talked about mothers getting public assistance to feed their children.

Wake up Paul Krugman!!! Life is not about what is fair, life is about what you can walk away with. Anyone smart enough to win a Nobel Prize in Economics should know that the bankers on Wall Street will go right back to their greedy ways as soon as we are all looking the other way.

Thomas Jefferson comes to mind now for some reason. He was a brilliant man who understood men and what needs to be done when a society gets too full of itself. At least when those in the positions of power forget who put them there.

It all goes back to money. Money to fight regulations is nothing new. This has been going on since the beginning of time. How much government money has Wall Street spent on lobbyists just in the first three months of 2009? About $9 million tax payer dollars I believe I read. And, where did that money come from? The Federal bailout money is being used to fight better regulations to insure that Wall Street does not create another financial crisis and bond market meltdown. And, the bankers on Wall Street are fighting against the politicians taking away a culture of excess. What I like to call "shooting fish in a barrel." Making "marks" out of ordinary people because Congress is willing to look the other way. When will this nonsense stop?

We only have ourselves to blame when we get it in the back of the neck. Politicians follow the money. Politicians need money to run political campaigns. Political campaigns are not funded by the poor. The poor do not have a voice because it take money to get access. The Wall Street bankers have access and they have some of their own people in President Obama’s cabinet and in The White House.

President Obama promised change, change we can believe in. Well, I will believe it when I see it. Money still talks and bull shit walks. And the cock crows when the sun comes up. Maybe Thomas Jefferson was right.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep the faith, Fred. You have one issue which consumes the majority of your focus. HE has many. I get the feeling he's doing the best he can - and much better than many people expected. That said, it would be nice to know that someone, somewhere, in the vast Washington bureaucracy heard your voice - and listened.