Thursday, January 28, 2010

President Obama And The Republicans In Congress

I think you have to give President Obama credit for trying to work with Republicans in Congress. If it was me, I would tell them where to go. They have nothing going for them except for President Obama failing as president. So, I ask you, how can you work with people like this? Well, evidently President Obama means it when he says, it isn't about him. After all the crap that has come his way over the past year, he still wants to reach across party lines to work with the GOP. I wish him luck, but from where I sit, I don't see it happening. The white Republicans in Congress have nothing going for them except their skinny white asses, and I think they know it. Let this black president succeed, and what is going to happen to them and the GOP?

Stay tuned.


Butch said...

I totally agree. I believe his scolding of both parties for their petty differences that amount to huge shortfalls for the American taxpayer was more than justified. I also believe that the Supreme Court needed their hands slapped. Too much money is already spent on elections. Can you imagine how many people could be feed with this cash?

My biggest distaste in congress is on the Republican side....Mr Boehner for Ohio. My second is up in the air because there are too many plying for the position. Hello Nancy, she's right on top.

winslow said...

How can anyone have faith in America after seeing the actions of our political leaders.

Unknown said...

Just another argument, as far as I'm concerned, for term limits. If legislators are less concerned about getting themselves re-elected perhaps they might be more concerned, then, about serving the people, and not the Corporations and those who would fund their re-election campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should have a no politician left behind act. They can’t run for office until they get their grades up.

moneythoughts said...

No Politician Left Behind is a great idea. If only there was a way to enforce such a thing. This is a T-shirt in the making!