Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Is For Sunflowers

The summer is just about over. The cycle that started months ago with just a few seeds being planted is near the end. Now I am harvesting the sunflower seeds for next year, and I am planning on planting even more sunflowers in the back yard. I have enough images to draw and paint for the winter months. I only hope those months will fly by as fast as the summer months that flew by like a rocket.

Stay tuned.


Jientje said...

I know what you mean Fred. I dread Winter and the cold months just as much as you do!!!

Robin said...

Sunflowers in bloom are such a happy sight but they really do look forlorn once the blooms die off. I hope you got a good crop of seeds for next year's batch.

Shana tova to you too, may it be a year of peace, love and joy.

moneythoughts said...

Yes, I got a good crop of seeds, and I am drying them now in my kitchen and placing them in glass jars that I have saved. Now if I can only figure out what to do with all the popsicle sticks I have collected. I have a few friends that want sunflower seeds so now I am a supplier too.

Jientje, How cold does it get in Belgium?