Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday Is For Art

There are several pictures of my sunflowers that I want to post and share with you, so I think, rather than post old art, I will post new photos of the sunflowers. We are having a great summer for growing flowers. Plenty of rain and sunshine, I guess that is all it takes. I am not a green thumb type person, so the success of my flowers has gone far beyond my expectations. I hope you enjoy these shots.


Butch said...

I like the sunflowers but what I am really interested in is the architechture or your home and the one in the background of the first picture. I visualize big porches and detailed outside wood work.

moneythoughts said...

These are old brick homes in Northside, built after 1900, but before WWI. They are nice old homes, and my street has a few nice examples of this period architecture.

Summer Smith said...

I LOVE your sunflowers, Mr. Flower Thoughts! How tall are they? They're magnificent.

When I was a little girl, the first time I ever saw a sunflower, I thought it was a person -- but then, I was also inclined to see all kinds of animals and people in the clouds. :O)!

Thanks for sharing!


moneythoughts said...

I think some are well over 6 feet, perhaps as much as 8 feet or better. With all this rain, I hope they will stay upright throughout their life cycle. I want to capture them in pictures.

Jientje said...

After all, Van Gogh was inspired by them, why wouldn't you be?