Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. Archimedes 287-212 BCE Greek mathematician, engineer, inventor and astronomer
Now take that thought and read the article in VANITY FAIR, November 2009, titled WALL STREET'S NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE starting on page 172.
What you have is men in powerful positions trying to move the world to reach the ultimate pot of gold. But, when the financial system starts to unravel no one can stop it, not even a few powerful men.
As I wrote yesterday, when trust goes out the window, and everyone is scrambling for their cash, all bets are off. It is now survival at the most basic level.
Yes, the instruments are complex and there are words and names you have never heard of, but when panic takes hold and everyone starts withdrawing their CASH, the beginning of the end is at hand.
If ever there was a reason for investment securities reform, better and more comprehensive regulations, transparency and enforcement, than what Wall Street put this country through in September 2008. Oh, they are now all composed and ready to take on the world again, but for a few days, even the toughest of them were plenty scared of failure.
The low level of financial literacy among the members of Congress, the Obama administration, the Federal Reserve Bank's board members and the SEC, makes for a very dangerous situation going forward. That the banks are spending millions of tax payer dollars to lobby Congress and the administration not to put in place the safeguards and regulations that are needed, is only evidence of their greed and stupidity.
The secret to bringing back the domestic economy of the United States does not rest on a bailout or a stimulus package, but trust between lenders and borrowers. When the new lines of the game are drawn and enforcement is put in place, the economy will come roaring back, not before!!!
Stay tuned.