Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Senator Joe Lieberman: The Big Whore?

With Halloween just a few days away, I thought I would post Three Masks, a piece I did just a few years ago. The politicians surprise us all the time. Take the so called liberal Senator Joe Lieberman, who is planning to vote against a public option. This whore from CT is from the Joe Lieberman Party, and we all understand that. Too many big insurance companies in CT for old Joe to go with the people on this one. Which mask is Senator Joe wearing today?

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Summer Smith said...

Masks are perfect metawhores - uh - metaphores.

"Money talks ..." etc.

BTW - the masks are great in their own right as interesting pieces of art. But they're even better when they can make a point.

Thank you, Moneythoughts!
