Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The New Regulations Are Meaningless

I find it interesting, that of all the people from the Obama administration that are paraded onto the various TV news shows, Paul Volcker, a past Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and a member of the Obama administration, has yet to appear on any of these shows even once. What does this say about the Obama administration? Perhaps if a few people would write to The White House and the TV news programs about this, perhaps we would get to hear from Mr. Volcker. No, I doubt it.

Unfortunately, the Obama administration, like other administrations, is tied to Wall Street. The men and women on Wall Street in addition to being very greedy, are very smart. They give money to both major political parties and make sure that regardless of who occupies the Oval Office, they have access. That is why they have so much money, because they understand that the name of the game is, "pass GO and collect $2 billion dollars!!!

I thought we had a shot at a different presidency, but the more I see of this one, the more I realize that names may change, (but in some cases they do not), but the game remains the same. The new regulations will be meaningless because the bigger problem of "too big to fail" is not going to be dealt with honestly.

We are headed down the same road because the vehicles are being driven by the same kind of people.

Stay tuned.


Summer Smith said...

Although I am by no means a "political animal," the one thing I have noticed over the years is this: Campaign promises be damned! Once the candidate reaches the Oval Office, they will ALWAYS conform to the role (and script) that has been handed to them. With the possible exceptions of Roosevelt and Truman, no modern President has ever effected a substantive change in the way Washington does business.

We are fast becoming a Monarchy -- i.e., a leader who is only a figurehead. Business in Washington has so entrenched its power (with MONEY), that only those with MONEY get to call the shots.

We are led by a Power Elite, and don't ever imagine for a moment that we have a Democracy.

This is the pattern I've observed. Perhaps other readers will have observed a different pattern. I'd like to hear someone else's opinion.



moneythoughts said...

Summer, we must not give up hope. Perhaps lightning will strike and Obama will see the light. Where is Rev. Wright when we need him?

Summer Smith said...

Thank you, Moneythoughts. No, I have not abandoned hope -- although my observations give me little nourishment that entrenched power can be moved from below. As MLK so adroitly observed in his Letter From Birmingham Jail -- those who have power do not give it up easily. He gave his life to help move a mountain, and, to some extent that mountain has been altered.

The forces of hatred and discrimination can be FELT inside our hearts and souls, and it has been easier to motivate people to fight for those rights. But how do you light a fire in the gut over something so abstract as MONEY and FINANCIAL FRAUD?

Everything contains within it the seeds of its own destruction/salvation. My hope rests on that concept. Somehow -- some way -- somewhere -- some "when" -- will happen, and whatever "it" is, it will turn this ship around.

This is a vain hope -- but it is hope.
